Guitar hero world tour guitar rock band 2
Guitar hero world tour guitar rock band 2

guitar hero world tour guitar rock band 2

As the notes fall down the fretboard, you'll notice clear jewels stitched together by lines. The new touch pad (located just above the fret buttons) allows for new tapping and sliding mechanics, the first real innovations in gameplay in the genre to date. The bigger news is in the guitar controller. The drums appear to be a solid first entry for the manufacturer the raised cymbals add a touch of realism to gameplay and they generally feel solid, if not as quiet as we had hoped for. The changes start with the new hardware peripherals Red Octane created for the game. Neversoft, industry veterans used to delivering Tony Hawk sequels year after year, approach this new Guitar Hero from a gamemaker's perspective, adding new features and gameplay mechanics in hopes of invigorating the long-established ''falling jewels'' design formula. Harmonix, with its overwhelming selection of downloadable tracks and streamlined interface, clearly views Rock Band as a music service first and foremost - the iTunes of video games.

guitar hero world tour guitar rock band 2

At this point, neither is a clear-cut winner. Having played both of them, it's clear that - while they both work from the template Harmonix created with the original Guitar Hero - these games have two different visions for how the genre is going to evolve. The industry has been closely following the showdown between dueling blockbusters Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero World Tour.

Guitar hero world tour guitar rock band 2